Monday, May 28, 2018

The Heart of Art

The other day I was sitting with my son.  I was trying to explain to him the importance of art.  Art is where one can freely be anything he or she wants to be in a sense.

Through the arts, one is able to be creative and not bound to anything in realistic terms.  Art is our escape from the reality of things where we can form our own made-up realities. Art reinforces our humanity and our brokenness. 

According to Picasso, it washes away the impurities of the soul. Art gives meaning to what it is to be human and is useful within society.

It keeps the masses happily entertained and less likely to commit crimes.  For people are content with their TV shows, movies, music, paintings, drawings, dance, theater, sculpture, etc.  Art is at the heart of our inner being.  It makes us feel and experience the things that make life worth living.

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